Friday, March 24, 2006

Publicitate #1

I want to anounce heare that this heare, that this heare is a banch of ladrons, a banch gaitunes and a banch of choupists! And my new blog that I don't sabe what is going be.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Traduziing to portuguise #1

Jesus Pessoal

"És o teu Jesus pessoal
Alguém para ouvir as tuas preces
Alguém que se importe
És o teu Jesus pessoal
Alguém para ouvir as tuas preces
Alguém que está lá

Sentindo desconhecido
E estando sozinho,
Carne e osso,
Ao pé do telefosso,
Levanta o auscultador.
Eu faço-te um acreditador.

Leva segunda melhor,
Põem-me à prova.
Coisas na tua consciência.
Tu tens de confessar,
Eu vou retribuir,
Tu sabes que sou um perdoador.

Alcançar e tocar a fé.
Alcançar e tocar a fé."

Marilene Filho-de-Homem

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Preocupation #1

There is one thing that preocupe me very. Is the fact that the elephants are very pesed. Poor elephants... Imagine the routine diary that they have. First that they get up of morning, they have to transform all that energie potential into energie cinetic. And that costs much because the force that they have to desenvolv to get up is very. And so, they have to use a macaque. Those that mecaniqcs usually use when they want to kittate a car.
Poor elephants...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Stupid song #3

If one elefant incomode very people,
Two elefants incomode very much.

If two elefants incomode very people,
Three elefants incomode very much!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Yo! Props brother! #1

I was pensing about the rume of life that the basofs take in the rabe. The basofs and the checkers of if-well. I carry about them. It's like they are my irmons but in a surrealistic maneire.
They are ones individuals full of love and pice to give and sell. They transpirate love. But they transpirate so much that in the auto-car I nearly can't breast. I have to tap my narigot unless I asfixiate and enter in come prolongued. But that is like having a dog on the house! Yo! The dog is your partner for your romantic moments but also stinks wants by the ass, wants by the mouth.
Love. Love for all the soçes and checkers of if-well! Love!